So Far In May


It's coming towards the end of the month, and although I've got a ton of ideas for blog posts written down, none of them are really speaking to me right now - so I'll just give you a little bit of an update on where I'm at now instead.

I am SUPER proud of myself right now, as one of the main things that I wanted to do this month was to get into good habits, and I can successfully say that I am on my way there. I've been pretty much getting up between 7:30AM and 8:00AM every day, I've started journalling (I've now done a solid week now), I've been working on my makeup business consistently, and I've kept up with blogging every other day on here. These things are an absolutely MASSIVE achievement for me, and I'm not ashamed in the slightest to shout from the rooftops about how happy and proud I am with myself.

As I've mentioned before, I've never been able to stick at things for long periods of time, so I knew that this would be a challenge for me. I started the month off by saying I would blog every other day, which was my first real habit, and when I started getting on really well with that, I added little things as I was going on. I know this sounds really weird, but for me to create habits I need to force myself to do something - it sounds super counterintuitive, I know! When I force myself to do something that I enjoy, I eventually start to remember why I enjoyed it in the first place and then willingly start doing it and loving it. It works for me, and that's all that matters!

May is definitely becoming a month of finding what really matters to me and one of self-appreciation, as I've been extremely hard on myself in the past months. If I didn't do something to the perfectionist way that I wanted it done, then I deemed myself a failure, when really, success is not built on success, it's built on failure - in order to succeed you need to trip, get back up and try again!

Other things have happened this month, but this is by far the most important thing to me, so I wanted to share. I'm just so happy right now and I want to spread a little bit of happiness around to everyone - there's plenty to go around!

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